A look inside retouching images.
Hey friends! I am sure that you have searched for photographers and you usually see that they offer X amount of edited or retouched images. Do you know what that means?
For me, retouched images include basic skin smoothing & shininess, a little color pop, whitening teeth, eyes, getting rid of scratch marks, stray hairs, eyeglass glare, distractions in the photo and sometimes a little more. I will give you an example of a studio session that I did.
This is a family image that is straight out of camera with only color correction done.
I think that it is clear that you can see all of the studio distractions in the background. You can see that one of my subjects are also off of the background by just a little bit. You can also see the floor seam and eyeglass glare. So this is definitely an image that needs to be retouched!
I also do other things in my studio that are on my green screen, which is also something that I consider to be retouched (and also a design). To create the final image, I needed to composite 4 different images.
Final Composite Image
Can you see all of the things I photographed being used in the final composite? This is also something that we will plan ahead of time together so that we are on the same page when it comes time for the final image.
Usually most newborns also need to be retouched. I broke down an image of a newborn that I photographed this last year to show you the difference from a straight out of camera image, to color corrected/cropped image, to the final retouched image.
Be honest, are these the things that you think about when you see the word retouch or edit? A lot of time goes in to retouching. (Learning how to do it, creating your style of edits, and then executing them per image.)
I truly feel that the experience should be a great one with your photographer from beginning to end. If you would like to chat more about scheduling a session with me, send me an email and lets plan!